JCQ – 5000H at 105°C SMD Polymer Aluminum Solid Electrolytic Capacitors

jb Capacitors manufactures and markets SMD Polymer Aluminum Solid Electrolytic Capacitor with Large permissible ripple current and Low ESR. Following are JCQ – SMD Polymer Aluminum Solid Electrolytic Capacitor features, applications, specifications and dimensions. We supply high quality Radial Conductive Polymer Aluminum Solid Electrolytic Capacitors to you.



  • Low ESR, High ripple current, long life, miniaturized
  • SMD type: lead-free reflow soldering condition at 260°C peak correspondence


Category Temperature Range (°C) -55°C ~ +105°C
Rated Voltage Range (V) 2.5V ~ 100VDC
Capacitance Tolerance (+20°C, 120Hz) ±20%
Leakage Current
  • 2.5V ~ 25V: I ≤ 0.2CV or 500 μA, whichever is greater
  • 35V ~ 100V: I ≤ 0.1CV or 299 μA, whichever is greater

Measured after 2 minutes application of rated Voltage at 20°C.

Dissipation Factor (20°C, 120Hz)
  • Rated Voltage (V) 2.5V~6.3V: 0.08
  • Rated Voltage (V) 10V~100V: 0.12
Low Temperature Characteristics (Max. Impedance Ratio)
  • Z(-25°C)/Z(+20°C) ≤ 1.25
  • Z(-55°C)/Z(+20°C) ≤ 1.25 (100kHz)
Endurance The specifications listed below shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20°C after application of rated voltage for 5000 hours at 105°C:

  • Appearance: No significant damage
  • Capacitance change: ±20% of the initial value
  • D.F.(tanδ): ≤ 150% of the specified value
  • ESR: ≤ 150% of the specified value
  • Leakage current: ≤ The specified value
Damp Heat (Steady State) The specifications listed below shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20°C after application of rated voltage for 1000 hours at 60°C, 90% ~ 95% RH:

  • Appearance: No significant damage
  • Capacitance change: ±20% of the initial value
  • D.F.(tanδ): ≤ 150% of the specified value
  • ESR: ≤ 150% of the specified value
  • Leakage current: ≤ The specified value
Surge Voltage Surge Voltage = Rated voltage x 1.15(V). The capacitors shall be subjected to 1000 cycles, each consisting of charge with the surge voltages specified at 105°C for 30 seconds through a protective resistor (Rc=1kΩ) and discharge for 5 minutes 30 seconds:

  • Appearance: No significant damage
  • Capacitance change: ±20% of the initial value
  • D.F.(tanδ): ≤ 150% of the specified value
  • ESR: ≤ 150% of the specified value
  • Leakage current: ≤ The specified value
Resistance to Soldering Heat Measurement for solder temperature profile shall be made at the capacitor top and the terminal:

  • Appearance: No significant damage
  • Capacitance change: ±10% of the initial value
  • D.F.(tanδ): ≤ 130% of the specified value
  • ESR: ≤ 130% of the specified value
  • Leakage current: ≤ The specified value
Rated Ripple Current Coefficient
Frequency 120Hz ≤ f < 1kHz 1kHz ≤ f < 10kHz 10kHz ≤ f < 100kHz 100kHz ≤ f ≤ 500kHz
Coefficient 0.05 0.30 0.70 1.00