Ceramic capacitors

jb Tell You More Application for JYA, JYC Series Ceramic Capacitor’s Application

Let’s tell you more about our JYA and JYC series Ceramic capacitor’s application today, please find details as below:

JYA–Y1 and Y2 Safety Standard Recognized Capacitors
Class X2 and Y2 are the most commonly used safety-certified capacitors. Whereas X2 and Y2 caps are appropriate for household applications, X1 and Y1 safety capacitors are used in industrial settings.
Y Capacitors: Also known as “line to ground capacitors” (line bypass.)
Y capacitors are used in applications where failure of the capacitor could lead to the danger of electrical shock to the user, if the ground connection is lost.

Typical Applications:
Line disturbances suppression, Motors and motor controls, Relays, Switching power supplies, Inverters, Line-to-line (Class X) filtering, Line-to-ground (Class Y) filtering, Antenna coupling, Primary and secondary coupling, Network and security protection, audio visual product, Home Appliance, new energy, Industry automation, LED….jb-Y1-Safety-Standard-Capacitors-JYA

JYC–High Voltage Ceramic Radial Type Disc Capacitors
Applications: High Voltage Ceramic Disc Capacitors are specially designed for high voltage applications, such as:

• DC-DC converters, Voltage multipliers.
• Radio and TV receiver, Modems, Interfaces, TV and monitors.
• Other electrical appliances where high voltage is present.
• High voltage power supplies, HV power supplies.
• Electrostatic coating, Arc spray and sputtering, Electrostatic cleaning power supplies, Ion generator power sources.
• High voltage power supplies for x-ray sources and pulsed lasers: Baggage scanner, Medical x-ray, Industrial laser.jb-High-Voltage-Ceramic-Disc-Capacitors-JYC