Ceramic capacitors, News

jb Capacitors Company To know the Class-X Capacitors, and the Reason of Their Safety

When it comes to safety, normally, there are two types, one called Class-X, the other called Class-Y. Today we are going to talk about Class-X. This is jb capacitors company’s strongest series. We have unbeatable advantage on price and lead time. Most importantly, our quality is stable and reliable with assurance. Our X2 capacitors has certified with VDE, ENEC and UL.

They are generally designed and used in AC line filtering in many electronic device applications. X2 capacitors is also called EMI/RFI suppression capacitors and AC line filter safety capacitors. The generation of EMI/RFI and the negative effects associated with received EMI/RFI can be minimized by Class-X capacitors. They are directly connected to the AC power input, that is, the AC “line” and the AC “neutral”, to achieve the task. So, why X2 capacitors is safe? The reason is that the direct connection to the AC voltage, the capacitors may be subjected to overvoltage. Therefore, this kind of failure will cause a protection, and will not cause any electrical shock hazards.jb-To know the Class-X Capacitors, and the reason of their safety